On the occasion of the International Rare Disease Day, a special edition of Endocrine has been published by the European Society of Endocrinology with 21 articles on research results and findings in the field of endocrine diseases. The latter has been done thanks to the European collaboration within ENDO-ERN, the European network for endocrinology.
Care for people with adrenal disease has made leaps forward in the Netherlands in recent years. Also in Scandinavia and Germany through international cooperation.
The care is extended from “diagnosis and treatment” to two components “training and equipping”. In addition, it was urged for more attention to psycho-social support during patient care, so care with a plus.
As a result, the patient with adrenal insufficiency has more control over life with a lower risk of an adrenal crisis and a better quality of life.
This vision of good care has gained a foothold in the countries mentioned above and it is the intention that residents in other European countries will also receive this improved care, according to three chairpersons, patient representatives affiliated with the ENDO-ERN. *.
Various products have been developed for people with adrenal insufficiency to better deal with the disease. Not only for themselves, but also for others like family and colleagues.
BijnierNET has made products in recent years. To mention are:
Some of these products have been translated for people with Adrenal Insufficiency. Some of these products have been brought together in other languages on Adrenals.eu. use the links above.
* The article is written by three chairpersons of patient associations, involved in the ENDO-ERN, Jette Kristensen (Den), Manuela Brösamle (D) and Bas van den Berg (Ned).